The daily affirmation handbook : 365 affirmations for attracting wealth, health and happiness into your life

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The Daily Affirmation Handbook is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. This book is a comprehensive guide to the practice of affirmations and how to use them to improve your life.

Filled with exercises, journal prompts, and over 200 affirmations, "The Daily Affirmation Handbook" provides everything you need to start incorporating affirmations into your daily routine. From improving your self-esteem and self-worth, to manifesting your goals and desires, this book offers a wide range of affirmations for every area of your life.

Whether you're new to affirmations or an experienced practitioner, "The Daily Affirmation Handbook" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their mindset and manifest their dreams. Get your copy today and start using the power of affirmations to create the life you want.

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The daily affirmation handbook : 365 affirmations for attracting wealth, health and happiness into your life

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